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Garden Planning

Garden planning
Garden planning
Garden planning
With the weather hinting and teasing at the coming of Spring I can't help but dream of our veggie garden this year. We're planning a big garden with lots of homegrown veggies and a lush herb garden. I can't wait. Seriously can't wait. Bring it on!

Are you planning a veggie garden this year? What do you usually grow? I'm feeling stumped, like I left something out.


  1. nice planning, i take the idea at my home

  2. nice blog, realy inspiring to take at home

  3. Great use of your toilet rolls, I do that here with my peas and beans :)) We just had some Jerusalem Artichoke tubers arrive yesterday, which is a new one for us...we're looking forward to harvesting them this autumn.
    Also we're putting in a huge amount of onions, and bunching onions, we are still using the bunching onions from last year as we're lucky not to have frosts here.
    Yay spring is nearly here....I love the growing season :)


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